The Test of True Strength / Analysis

By Parkaboy
12/31/2009 - 00:23:43

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 8.55 (Good)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to the Naburau dojo!
Win message:
Congratulations! You have passed the test and can now be considered a true Naburau!
Lose message:
You have failed! You must have made some mistake... Perhaps you should try again when you're older and wiser?
ACT 1 :   
Here you are at the famed Noma dojo! Nervous? You should be! You have a difficult test ahead, and I bet you haven't studied!
ACT 2 :   
Time to meet the master! Climb up the stairs and enter the dojo!
ACT 3 :   
Are you ready to face the test of strength? If so, meet your opponents!
ACT 4 :   The test begins!
Follow the master's advice and choose the best strategy to face the Naburau brothers in battle! Your survival is at stake here!
ACT 5 :   
Congratulations! You have passed the test! Talk to the Naburau to learn what comes next.
ACT 6 :   
Talk to the three masters and discover which one is the real one!
ACT 7 :   
Time to choose! If you know which one is the true master, then destroy the illusions!
ACT 8 :   
Well done! You have destroyed the illusions, sparing the true master!
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