Your Growing! / Analysis

By pingiotto
08/15/2010 - 18:17:54

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Latly, you`ve been growin A LOT. You need to reserch this and find a cure before you become larger than the Universe!!!
ACT 1 :   The tall Guy
Find the books to reserch your constant growing!
ACT 2 :   The Tall Guy
AKA your house ( find your house!)
ACT 3 :   Tech!
Now reserch on the computer! Quick, befor you outgrow the room!
ACT 4 :   You are growing too fast!!
how can I reach the scintistes if I`m larger than a skyskraper?? Oh well. I have like a week to live before I sufficate and die in the vaccum of space, so might aswell have some fun.
ACT 5 :   Giant Battle!
Take out the city`s latest weapon!!
ACT 6 :   

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