The City of New Rendara / Analysis

By Derezzed
11/16/2020 - 00:01:35

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.28 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to New Rendara! The travelers here come from different galaxies, times, and realities to escape the grind of galactic living and take in the sights of a tropical island paradise.
Win message:
Thank you for playing, and a huge thank you as well to everyone who participated in and made this project possible!
Lose message:
Well, it seems not even island resorts can be made completely foolproof...
ACT 1 :   Welcome to New Rendara!
Take a look around the island! There are many sights to take in and characters to chat with.When you are done sightseeing, head inside the Concord Spire to finish the adventure.
ACT 2 :   Thanks for visiting us!
Head into the elevator to get a view of the city! We hope you enjoyed your stay at New Rendara! You can beam out whenever you are ready to leave.
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