Revenge of Kramputron / Analysis

By Benjami
12/23/2020 - 22:06:41

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.88 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Christmas Land is looking gloomy again..
Win message:
What will become of Christmas now? Find out next year! ...maybe.
Lose message:
ACT 1 :   Find the Banana
There's not a jolly thing in sight, except for the Christmas Ice Cream.
ACT 2 :   Prepare for Battle
Seems Rudolph has sunk his claws into the Banana's mind. You'll need to support Christmas Ice Cream while they try to turn him normal.
ACT 3 :   Round 1
Sit back and see how your defenses fare, or join the battle.
ACT 4 :   Prepare for Battle
The first round was a success, but beware, new gates are opening. You also have new units to place.
ACT 5 :   Round 2
Sit back and see how your defenses fare, or join the battle.
ACT 6 :   Victory?
You won the battle, but the Banana teleported Christmas Ice Cream and himself somewhere else. Find them!
ACT 7 :   Final Battle
Do what must be done.
ACT 8 :   Christmas Ice Cream
The Banana is gone... but there may yet be a chance to save Christmas Ice Cream.
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