Can you survive / Analysis

By Ardeah
12/07/2021 - 06:05:34

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.91 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You have been sucked into the 8-bit video game world of Teallis right before a earth-shattering boss battle! Your survival is the only way out.
Win message:
You've survived and the gods have unleashed you from this world. You will be home safe soon.
Lose message:
You did not survive and your spirit is forever trapped in the game.
ACT 1 :   Talk to their leader
You're being approached by a Saurie of unique color.. Must be their leader.
ACT 2 :   Preparations list
We have under 5 minutes to prepare!~ Arm the villagers~Collect rations~Activate Defense vehicles
ACT 3 :   Wave 1
The defense vehicles are not done charging yet! Defend against the first wave.
ACT 4 :   Wave 2
Is that an epic bloodshade? Might want to stay away from that one!! Unless of course, you think you can handle it... Don't forget the defense vehicles are done charging.
ACT 5 :   Final wave
Epics, magic, and even more danger! Literally just survive.
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