Escape from the Mines / Analysis

By Dexseub1
12/08/2022 - 01:52:08

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)

Basic info
ACT 1 :   Crashed
While descending into the atmosphere some projecticle was shot into your ship. Time to find the nearest town for repair
ACT 2 :   Kill the Bugs
The Mining town is infested with the bugs I must exterminate them and save the towns people
ACT 3 :   Kill more Bugs
The buggers go deeper into the town than I thought
ACT 4 :   Talk to the Captain
That creature must be head of the guard operation here. Obviously they aren't the best at their job given the circumstance
ACT 5 :   Kill even more bugs
The square is infested with the creatures
ACT 6 :   Talk to the Workers
These workers are very clearly not given the base operation here maye I should talk to that worker that the rest are gathered around
ACT 7 :   Enter the Mine and get the Key
The Foreman sounds like a real tool I will help these workers get off world
ACT 8 :   Time to get out of Dodge
Got the key now time to tear my way through these guards and free those workers
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