Vandrogania - The Battle (Med) / Análisis

Por Malli
16/07/2009 - 02:13:41

Tipo: Aventura de defensa
Puntuación: 0.02 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
The choice is yours
Mensaje de victoria:
You have succesfully Defended the Colondrum on 'Medium' mode! Do you think you could master this on 'Hard' difficulty?
Mensaje de fracaso:
The Vandroganic Empire hopes for a new Hero.(This is in Beta, there are many bugs that I am trying rectify, if you have any suggestions for any of them, please contact me "'Malli"', thank you)
ACTO 1 :   The Battle Begins!
It is time!Speak with the Vandroganic-Rider for the rundown.
ACTO 2 :   Choosing you first set
After speaking with the Titan Guard, take the key and choose your first group of allies/ally. Get an understanding of each creatures stats by speaking with their representative.
ACTO 3 :   Wave 1 = Roden
Don't let the Trogon army destroy the colondrum. Remember to activate more allies as the key reappears.
ACTO 4 :   Wave 2 = Flies
Keep up the good work, you may participate in defending the colondrum by attacking the trogons if you think you are strong enough.
ACTO 5 :   Wave 3 = Missiles
These creatures are definatly not melee, can you keep up your defence with there penetrating force?
ACTO 6 :   Wave 4 = Roden is back
Remember the Roden on wave one, well their Elite forces are here! Are you strong enough to survive there attack?!The Final round for the Medium difficulty of Vandrogania - The Battle.
ACTO 7 :   Victory!
Well done! you survived all 4 rounds. Speak with the Vandroganic Rider.
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