Gripper SjX silent model 001

Por Christian_CAO
29/09/2011 - 01:10:46

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 7.5 (Bueno)
Tags: christian_cao, robot dino, sjx, spaceship


Just me playing with the Spaceship editor ^3^ Allot more difficult than the creature editor. At least for me XD I really need to get used to the awesome free hand paint tool XP


Por ack2010

Wow, first time in the Spaceship editor and it looks amazing. O-O

Por q_fish

Do you feel like you've discovered another side of the world? (Even if its round) :)

Por blixafish

I agree, the Vehicle editors are very hard. Although not quite as bad as the Building editors *shivers*

Por ZigZagZiggy

Thanks! :3 Awesomely awesome spaceship creation! Coolies! :3

Por Christian_CAO

Oh and I haven't gotten around to playing the actual game just yet. I've been checking out the different creation options and seeing how things work ^3^

Por Christian_CAO

I don't think that'll happen, but if it does... remember me as I am XD

Por q_fish

On second thoughts, if you et featured... you might go and copy Carbon493 :( Are you enjoying the main game SPORE?

Por Christian_CAO

XD thanks q_fish ^3^ Though, I don't really mind if Maxis never features my creations. Still, would be pretty cool; I guess ^3^

Por q_fish

Awwwwwww, Your first ever spaceship!!!! Izzzocute!!!!!! I think now that you own SPORE the full game, Maxis will feature you... I hope.


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