Aperture Science Photos
No puntuado

Por Amoebaosis
17/03/2012 - 04:06:03

Tipo: Plantilla de aventura
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Tags: amoebaosis, glados, portal, wheatley


I'll put in a good portal quote later, this is my second and probanly fianl entry for the contest. The three tree shots are just there to make it look less empty. Used many creators creation of those better than me :D That's it in a nut chell :3

Capturas de pantalla


Por Wolfdragonhowler

Nice, i like the way u make it look black and white! By the way, cood u tag it pwease?

Por pwurman

Sorry. :(

Por pwurman

So I would give you a r+ if I could, but at the moment I have no interest in starting up spore.

Por pwurman

Any Portal adventure that actually is playable must have taken a lot of hard time and work.

Por pwurman

I wouldn't count on it though. Btw thanks for the compliment.

Por pwurman

Hey. :) I dunno, I haven't played Spore for months... I may come back some day.

Por penguinqueen93

Hehe, I love the pun "nut chell". :3


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