Gaia Gaga / Analysis

By Bonja
05/21/2010 - 18:04:14

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.22 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
It al sounds so easy. Solve a small local problem and collect your payment. Who would have thought...
Win message:
Lose message:
ACT 1 :   Talk to the local contact
Meet the locals and find out more about their little problem. Why did they request your help?
ACT 2 :   Explore the valley.
Now explore the valley of Klautu and find those ruins. Talk to the scouts for more information about the situation.
ACT 3 :   Return to the scouts.
Go back and talk to the scouts again, ask them to leave the ruins so you can look for the missing kid..
ACT 4 :   Search for Domani.
Find the missing kid. Didn't the scout mentioned voices coming from the ruins? Lets explore.
ACT 5 :   Return to the aliens.
Talk to Dusca and find out more about the plot to the story. What is going on down here?
ACT 6 :   Talk to the alien leader.
Darn, what is going on down here, locals versus natives. But who is the true local?
ACT 7 :   Return to the valley.
Now, confront Dusca with your new found knowledge.
ACT 8 :   Talk to Krill
Now talk to the leader for some final words.
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