WOTW- The Martian Experience P1 / Analysis

By WaCkO101
11/18/2011 - 03:41:41

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You are a Martian. You are marching down the street of the hometown of the Martian Council. They have called you (since you are the Martian Military General) down here for something.........
Win message:
Well uh...... Rate and comment! I guess?
Lose message:
Dude/Dudette, you don't jump out of an airlock while in a space pod!
ACT 1 :   The Calling
As you march through the Martian Captial City in a Tripod, you wonder why the Martian Council has called you down here.
ACT 2 :   The Martian Council

ACT 3 :   The Cylinder

ACT 4 :   Countdown To Launch!

ACT 5 :   Launch!
As you speed towards Earth, you only hope this dangerous mission will be fulfilled......
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