The Alons Campaign / Analysis

By USGCommander
09/21/2013 - 05:10:57

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome Mercenary, to Argore. After completing the mission assigned to you, you'll recive your pay. Good luck out there in the field...
Win message:
Another succesful mission, and more credits for you.
Lose message:
Looks like you got beaten up by uncivilized tribesmen, Oh and you dead so that's another negative... Try again
ACT 1 :   Touchdown
You've succesfully landed, talk to the commander for an explination for your mission...
ACT 2 :   Talk To The Officer
Talk to the officer down at the camp for a breifing...
ACT 3 :   Move Through The Forest
Continue through the forest, Mandiloreans and Tribals have spread across the area, be careful...
ACT 4 :   Continue Through
Keep going and meet up with Sabere and his team.
ACT 5 :   Assault In Progress!
Secure the weapons cashe, kill any tribe members that you come across on the way or they WILL kill you...
ACT 6 :   Mission Acomplished
You've succesfuly secured the village and the Weapons Cashe, speak to the commander about your pay...
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