Planet(redacted)Part 5 / Análisis

Por Chylilly
05/07/2022 - 06:05:05

Tipo: Aventura de exploración
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
After a couple years pass your father jerryson has become an Alpha,And you his daughter can communicate with her. As she gives you things to do while your farther or Dane take care of the pack
Mensaje de victoria:
After a short day of just running around befriending as many species as possible,And for all the work that you have put in years ago she deciceds to give you a relaxing beach for your effort.
Mensaje de fracaso:
You fail your Mom's challenge,And as she disapates and wereever she went,but even in death you know you failed her just as she had failed you.
ACTO 1 :   Good morning child
Today's a fresh start of hunting and befriending faraway creatures...
ACTO 2 :   Daily challenge
This is an everything that I and my Mom or Imaginary friend do all the time strangely it seems to make me smarter everytime...
ACTO 3 :   what now
So what is the next challenge Mom.
ACTO 4 :   More friends yay!!!
Finally if we have a million allies we chould take on the epics here and restore peace.
ACTO 5 :   Im tired already...
Your starting to fall asleep maybe you should take break from this...(note you always know were your home nest is)
ACTO 6 :   A walk to an ancient beach?
A walk this isn't very common with Mom and me sometimes but it's even impossible to even go on a walk togethour...
ACTO 7 :   Follow Mom she always knows
Snice I didn't know about this beach at all I decieded to follow her snice I don't know were it was at the time.
ACTO 8 :   What now?
Back then I assumed I had a task to do but no It wasn't when my mom finally gave me a break for once in what feels like forever.(also you can stay here as long as you like)
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