The secret garden / Analysis

By ilikeeggs
06/24/2009 - 13:09:51

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -0.02 (Not rated)

Basic info
Win message:
This is all very sudden i wonder how i even got into this mess. hey there's dicentra.
Lose message:
i must be a loser if i cant even talk to a tree.
ACT 1 :   The awakening
Cottrante has just awoken from his slumber. he needs to find out were he is and what is happening.
ACT 2 :   first encounter
these guys are easy
ACT 3 :   Penatrating the fortress
these guys not so easy.
ACT 4 :   rescuing the others
the others are in danger.
ACT 5 :   reunited
He has to see laventre.
ACT 6 :   victory
you need to desrtoy the castle and the evil man who built it.
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