Bad Comedy / Analysis

By maxalisa
06/24/2009 - 14:56:57

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
The comiedian Joey Kidd made a joke about the mafia leader Vinny. And Vinny didnt like it!
Win message:
Vinny thanks you greatly and decides not to drown you. And you get 1,000,000 spacebucks
Lose message:
Vinny is mad. He would like to talk to you by the lake in the trunck of his car.
ACT 1 :   Talk to Vinny
He's standing right next to you just click on him!
ACT 2 :   Get on the tele
Go to the comedy show.
ACT 3 :   Take out the guards
OH NO. there are guards, I hope you trained for this!
ACT 4 :   Kill Joey Kidd
easy enough.
ACT 5 :   Kiddnap the reporter
Anna Smith the reporter was at that concert. Vinny wants to talk with her.
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