Vandrogania - The Battle (Easy) / Analysis

By Malli
07/16/2009 - 02:13:06

Type: Defend adventure
Rating: 0.06 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
The choice is yours
Win message:
You have succesfully Defended the Colondrum on 'Easy' mode! Do you think you could master this on 'Medium' difficulty?
Lose message:
The Vandroganic Empire hopes for a new Hero.(This is in Beta, there are many bugs that I am trying rectify, if you have any suggestions for any of them, please contact me "'Malli"', thank you)
ACT 1 :   The Battle Begins!
It is time!Speak with the Vandroganic-Rider for the rundown.
ACT 2 :   Choosing you first set
After speaking with the Titan Guard, take the key and choose your first group of allies/ally. Get an understanding of each creatures stats by speaking with their representative.
ACT 3 :   Wave 1 = Roden
Don't let the Trogon army destroy the colondrum. Remember to activate more allies as the key reappears.
ACT 4 :   Wave 2 = Flies
Keep up the good work, you may participate in defending the colondrum by attacking the trogons if you think you are strong enough.
ACT 5 :   Wave 3 = Rexthorian
The final wave for the easy version of Vandrogania - The Battle.
ACT 6 :   Victory!
Well done! you survived all 3 rounds. Speak with the Vandroganic Rider.
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