Attack on the Karroc / Analysis

By Quizguy
08/03/2009 - 01:27:51

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1.87 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Just before you beamed down, your ships warning beacons went off. When you get down onto the planet, you notice your ship coming down after you. Looks like you should of filled up.
Win message:
Congratulations. With your help, not only did you prove yourself worthy to the Taldenions, but you also managed to save the entire Taldenion Army.
Lose message:
You tried your hardest, but you just weren't strong enough to stand up against the Karrocs. Don't worry, this is a hard Adventure.
ACT 1 :   First Assualt
You landed in the middle of a battle. Quick, get your orders from the General.
ACT 2 :   Free the Prisoners
To destroy that robot that the General had mentioned, you need to free the Generals men.
ACT 3 :   How to Dismantle a Robot
Fidn a way to destroy the the Robot. Then proceed to destroy the Power Core.
ACT 4 :   Turning The Tide p1
The Power Generator is down. The troops can now advance. Talk to the General for your next objective
ACT 5 :   Turning the Tides p2
You heard the General. Penetrate the Bunker and Hack the 3 Computer Terminals
ACT 6 :   Trapped
Mission complete, who is that behind you? Wait, what is with that alarm. Where's that smoke coming from. And who is that behind you?
ACT 7 :   Final Rush
You activated the Self-Destruct?! You got to get out of here and warn the General. But the system also release some dark Gas. Make your way back through the maze.
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