UBD Escape the Underworld / Analysis

By TheKatsos
11/15/2009 - 23:00:41

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.45 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You have been found guilty of violating by-laws 314-7, paragraph 4, sections 2, 7 and 12. You are hereby banished to the hades universe. May God have mercy on your soul.
Win message:
Congratulations, you have found your way out!
Lose message:
You are doomed to roam the underworld, forever...
ACT 1 :   Find a way out...

ACT 2 :   Forest of Carn
traverse your way through teh forest...
ACT 3 :   
Ghosts and Abominations
ACT 4 :   Helpful Advice

ACT 5 :   Hell Hound
Through the fog...
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