We Want Mech Parts! / Analysis

By Beatnuki
01/14/2010 - 22:52:45

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.05 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
The air stinks of engine oil, axle grease, and broken dreams. Something deeply sinister is afoot here; and if not afoot, at the very least atoe or even anelbow.
Win message:
So you've just helped the inept company buy a whole planet to milk more money out of? Ugh! Good job there are third-party mech-patches available that do their job better than they do...
Lose message:
Oh dear! How distressing. It could take years of therapy to get over this.
ACT 1 :   Briefing In Brief, Chief
Okay, you've touched down on the planet. Get your full briefing from HQ and interview your client. Something insiduous is going on here...
ACT 2 :   Breaking The Supply Chain
This should be interesting. Interrogate the Vemnix, acknowledge their refusal to leave, then plant the PortaNukeā„¢ and press the trigger button!
ACT 3 :   KABOOM!!!
Holy moley! Remind me never to break galactic protocol! Well, that's the illegal imports taken care of, but the locals seem less than thrilled about the whole thing.
ACT 4 :   Other Avenues...
Find out information on the Gleeble's computer about the mech-parts, then report your findings to Welgum in the hopes he might calm down a bit.
ACT 5 :   Oh Dear...
Yikes! This is seriously getting out of hand. The Coglets are spontaneously combusting thanks to their shoddy fake mech-parts! But wait, it seems a newcomer has arrived...
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