Daringville Defense / Analysis

By PeaceMaker12
08/19/2014 - 18:23:37

Type: Defend adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to the Second part of the Adventure. If you're wondering "'Oh PeaceMaker why did you color the ground white? It didn't snow in the last one."' It did. You're just ignorant.
Win message:
What? Were you expecting an aplause? I'm only a voice in your head. I don't have arms. But if I did I'd punch you in a nervous center.
ACT 1 :   Winter.
Alright. So we saved a bunch of people. So what? Anyways. It seems a snow storm happened over the night. We should go talk to the Guardian. He usually gives us interesting conversations.
ACT 2 :   Attack!
Well well well. It seems our friend from the city came back. And with friends. We should get out there and make sure they don't get through the front gate. Just a suggestion.
ACT 3 :   Assault.
It seems they are forcing the issue. Force ours back.
ACT 4 :   Flanking.
Oh now thats a nasty tactic. Just out right dirty! They seem to be preparing to hit us from the Side. Maybe to destroy the factory. We can't have that.
ACT 5 :   Defense.
So if you didn't get the Memo. This is what's keeping this town alive. There is no such thing as Gender in the Sentri-Pods so they can not reproduce on their own. So they rely on this. Ok?
ACT 6 :   Time to finish this.
Alright. Hey. You're not total crap at fighting. Thats good. Means you won't die in my later installments. Now lets get to the front gate finish what he started. Lets go kill us a Crazy.
ACT 7 :   Rematch.
Well well. Looks like our friend not only survived.
ACT 8 :   The End?
Of course its the end. You can only have eight segments and I used all of them. Well. You killed him for good this time. But now the Cities been nuked. Aw well. We'll look into that later.
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