Conundrum of the Sun and Moon / Análisis

Por PomerBash
20/05/2019 - 01:48:55

Tipo: Aventura de búsqueda
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
You arrive at a small but lush planet, full of oddly prehistoric life. Among them is a tribe of suchomimus, some of which you spot just beyond your point of landing.
Mensaje de victoria:
Congradulations! you have saved a tribe from a "'horrible demise!"' Hope you found the hidden PomerBash and friends.
Mensaje de fracaso:
Get gud fool *dab* *drinks gogert* you ded dummy. (Im sorry, please retry. If you want. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOB) (For real though, good luck next time.)
ACTO 1 :   The tribe
This is rather unique. Maybe you should investigate, find the chieftan of the tribe.
ACTO 2 :   The towns folk
Look for the merchant area and talk to some of the folks maybe learn the inner workings of this tribe
ACTO 3 :   Usefulness
Return to the chief, he said something about you being useful. See what he has in store for you.
ACTO 4 :   The farmer
Speak to farmer Sareth, the sage said he may know the location of the key to the temple valley.
ACTO 5 :   The Spinosaurus
The spinosaurus returned just as you obtained the key, run or fight, either way you must esacpe her rage.
ACTO 6 :   The temples
Now that you have the key enter the valley to the right of the chieftan and sage's area and enter the temple. Once you arrive find the alter room and defeat the evil.
ACTO 7 :   Defeat the raptors
Defeat the Utah Raptors, then return to the chieftan and the sage and tell them what happened. (Their is a teleport back out at the corner of the hallway.)
ACTO 8 :   Going home
You've done it, not only have you befirended a tribe but "'saved"' them from destruction! Return to the spawn sight to return home. Or explore in an attempt to find any secrets left behind.
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