Detective Barry (the original) / Analysis

By Joris218
04/05/2020 - 22:58:24

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You're here to investigate a murder, find out who did it. Or you'll be fired!
Win message:
You got the killer, you'll be sent to jail for killing innocent people and being an awful though.
Lose message:
You messed up. Now you're fired. And put to jail... For being awful... At everything
ACT 1 :   Ask someone about the murder.
Ask a nearby person about the murder, he might be involved. So if he tries something suspicious, kill him!
ACT 2 :   Make a decision. Quick!
He tells you to follow him, this is suspicious. Make a decision, kill or follow him.
ACT 3 :   Follow Peter!
Peter, I have heard that name again... After him! Kill all witnesses.
ACT 4 :   Talk To Peter
Do you think he is the murderer? He really could be. Kill him if you think so.
ACT 5 :   Go to the adress
Go to Gorgonstreet number 6.
ACT 6 :   Kill him...
He's attacking you, kill him!
ACT 7 :   Talk to... him...
Talk to the man inside the garden, he might be your killer...
ACT 8 :   Ask around!
Use the (only) door to get out of the garden. And KILL the murderer!
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