The Opponent / Analysis

By flymagpie
05/19/2020 - 10:10:14

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: -0.47 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
These Cyholkulusk locals have been guarding this planet, but their biggest thing they're guarding is their Science Lab, which has been providing them their empire's finest tech.
Win message:
Thanks to the concentrated efforts of you, your crew and these locals, you successfully triumphed into destroying your enemy's base and their secret weapon! Excellent!
Lose message:
The Lattohyalu have destroyed the Cyholkulusk's Science lab, leaving the Cyholkulusk Empire crippled! Mission failed.
ACT 1 :   Briefing
Commander Jimmie Nye is here to explain what's happening.
ACT 2 :   Open fire!
Destroy the Lattohyalu and their base up north!
ACT 3 :   Secret Superweapon
The Lattohyalu have a weapon just behind this wall.
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