Monsieur's Trials / Analysis

By CracktheCat
05/20/2020 - 00:46:27

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You have come here to take part in a series of three trials. Succeed, and you'll get a reward. Fail, and the monsters get an extra meal.
Win message:
Hooray! You risked your life and got nothing! But at least you can finally leave.
Lose message:
Boo hoo. Monsieur didn't actually have any baguettes anyway.
ACT 1 :   Monsieur Awaits
Monsieur's outside his maison to greet you. This est le calm before le storm, if you will.
ACT 2 :   Trial of the Beasts
Your first task involves slaying three formidable creatures. Kill the first, and you'll gain access to the second and so on. But be warned. Many have tried, and few have succeeded...
ACT 3 :   Mantis of the Moon
Next up is the Lunar Manti, a feared predator named for its pale grayish color, reminescent of some moons. Be careful. This monster is even more powerful than the former.
ACT 4 :   Beetle-Beastie
Third is the gargantuan Mechynorhina, a beetle-like creature from the dark jungles of Maldia. Be warned: it is more powerful than the previous two monsters combined.
ACT 5 :   Trial of Chance
Next up is a trial of chance. There are three keys and three gates. One leads to the final trial, and the others lead to death. Choose wisely...
ACT 6 :   Third and Final...
You are now onto the final and most difficult trial: retrieve the sacred horn and return it to Monsieur. Just don't get incinerated or devoured by demons while you're at it.
ACT 7 :   End of the Trials
Talk to Monsieur about your reward...
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