Ophiophagus / Analysis

By CracktheCat
05/27/2020 - 18:30:48

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: -0.08 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
The citizens of a small city on this dark, swampy planet are being picked off by a mysterious killer. Help them track down the culprit before they strike again.
Win message:
The mysterious killers have finally been brought to justice, but at a price. Though their misguided citizens will see you as a monster, the murders can finally stop.
Lose message:
Without your aid, the people of this world will never rid themselves of their shadowy menace.
ACT 1 :   A Dark Kingdom
Emperor Hannah's been waiting for your arrival...
ACT 2 :   A Town of Serpents
Sounds like you should talk to some of the villagers. They might be able to give you some helpful information regarding the mysterious killer.
ACT 3 :   Trek through the Swamp
There's a small dirt path branching out from the town. Follow it to the Lacerta Camp, and ask around to see if they know anything.
ACT 4 :   Bad Lizards
It seems that these lizards are dangerous characters. Better stop them before they can cause any more harm...
ACT 5 :   The Murderer Revealed?
Head back to Emperor Hannah to report the good news...
ACT 6 :   A Gruesome Meal

ACT 7 :   Snake Eater
It seems that Emperor Hannah's arrived on the scene. You better confront him...
ACT 8 :   Payback
Hannah and Lampro need to die. You can't bring back Morelia or any others they killed, but you can stop them from killing more.
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