The Last Ride / Analysis

By Miikka64
07/02/2020 - 13:35:10

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
"'WE'VE GOT INCOMING!"'-Screamed LightBrouz at the end of the last episode. So it's fair to assume that there are indeed, enemies heading your way. Ready to fight?.. In space?
Win message:
And so the crew of the Escaper starts working on a way to survive crash-landing on a yet another planet. Will they survive? And will Buzzi (now with Scifi's help) find them?To be continued...
Lose message:
Buzzi: "'Just as the Bringer predicted. Now, let's bring you back to the Barracuda so you can be reborn as one of us."'Scifi: "'Oh what fun we're going to have together, my old friend."'
ACT 1 :   Horde of Hostiles
Check on what we're dealing with from Brouz &<>"' then get ready for a big fight!
The Snatcher-ships just tore off the back of the loading bay! Looks like Machnio screwed up making the Escaper's shield stronger &<>"' instead disabled it completely!
ACT 3 :   Double-Trouble!
Brouz: *Nice work up there Cap!.. Wait, the two other Snatcher-ships just hooked on us! HOW?!*Machnio: *Uhh... Another fuse just decided it had enough. But Cap can deal with them. ¿Bueno?*
ACT 4 :   It's Not Over Yet!
Brouz: *WHOA! You took out all the Snatcher-ships just by breaking their grappling hooks? That's one fatal design-flaw I got to say! Now get back inside, we got more enemies inbound.*
The Sarganox dropship has breached the back of the Escaper, and they're flowing inside! Stop them before the ship is overtaken!
ACT 6 :   Is It Over Now?
The dropship is going to blow up any second now! Get back on the bridge &<>"' check on the situation.
ACT 7 :   Yes, Now It Is Over
Is there nothing to be done!? Is this how your adventures come to a "'crashing"' end?.. Come on, think! There has to be something you can do... Right? There always is!
ACT 8 :   Change of Plans: You're Not Dead
What happened? The spacestation... It's gone? Did you change course at the last second?
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