Corona Arena / Análisis

Por Jamanix
05/07/2020 - 01:17:26

Tipo: Aventura de ataque
Puntuación: 1.15 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Welcome to Walmart during prime Corona season. Get ready to kill some Karens...
Mensaje de victoria:
You won! The manager survived and Walmart can live on!
Mensaje de fracaso:
You lost and Walmart fell.
ACTO 1 :   Lobby
Read the sign for instructions, and get ready.
ACTO 2 :   Aisle Cleanup
They don't seem to be too organized at the moment, kill them all!
ACTO 3 :   Increase of Power
Looks like they're grouping up now, their numbers have doubled!
ACTO 4 :   Special Forces
Looks like they got some help... take those guys out, but be careful, they're armed
ACTO 5 :   Karens
Oh no... Karens. Kill them all, no mercy. The police have arrived to assist you!
ACTO 6 :   Mega Karens?
They're growing, they have too much power!
ACTO 7 :   More Reinforcements
This is getting difficult looks like they got more special forces as well...More police have arrived to assist you!
ACTO 8 :   Behold, Karen Supreme
Oh no...it can't be! Its KAREN SUPREME!Kill that thing before it kills your manager!
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