Captain Gun Lion and the valley / Analysis

By calbrach
08/24/2020 - 20:28:35

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to the Bio valley, a place where animals of all time periods live together in peace, until now.
Win message:
Congrats, you have saved captain gun lion and his friends. You have been rewarded for your efforts
Lose message:
Oh no, you have been defeated, without you this valley might be in danger.
ACT 1 :   A little chit chat
Welcome to the Bio valley, this is a place where animals from all time periods live together in peace, at least until now. The hero of the Bio valley want to meet you by a nearby beach.
ACT 2 :   Delivery
Find out where the others are so you can deliver the scroll.
ACT 3 :   Bring the team
Have the team follow you so you can plan for battle!
ACT 4 :   The plan
Talk to your team so you can come up with a strategy
ACT 5 :   Meeting Pokey Pokey Ouch Ouch
Who is he and why is he here? find out by talking to him (Don't forget to bring everyone with you)
ACT 6 :   The Attack

ACT 7 :   The Attack part 2

ACT 8 :   You did it!
You have defveated Pokey Pokey Ouch Ouch and his team.
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