L'Ogre de L'Swamp / Analysis

By CracktheCat
10/30/2020 - 21:47:36

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 1.98 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Knowledge thou seeks, passage to Shrekheim. But if thou wishes for paradise, thou must pay a price...
Win message:
Please don't take this seriously. Ogres are an endangered species and we should protect them to ensure that they can be enjoyed by future generations.
Lose message:
ACT 1 :   Maison dans L'Swamp
What hath brought thou here, down below the civil tranquility of the heavens, down in the mires of the swamps? It be the call of thy ogre, great lord of the marshes, onion-stench swamp-man.
ACT 2 :   Le Donke
Beast of burden, grey in hide. C'est le Donke, ogre-bind. A foine beasty, mais tu shall be of good conduct to bring him a waffle-feed.
ACT 3 :   El Homo
Vastness beyond comprehension, grand council of dull knaves and brutish oafs. You seek his council, for only his wisdom can unlock the secrets of the swamp.
ACT 4 :   Krust of thy Klown
Idol of colored stone, jester lurking below. Krustenheim, stinking abode. It be Krusty, Great Jester of the North.
ACT 5 :   The Boy
"'Morge my wife, bring me the boy"', says El Homo. The boy must be destroyed, for he is a creature of dark and despair.
ACT 6 :   El Homo C'est Tres Intelligent
Seek the council of El Homo, if thy wishes for knowledge.
ACT 7 :   The Analysis Strategy
Day of reckoning, end of thy swamp. L'Ogre hath lied, tres mechant, c'est mal. Tu sont fache, l'ogre must die!
ACT 8 :   
Th end of days. Forms restrained no more, ogre and donke tower before ye. Weep and tremble, or stand and fight.
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