Pirates on Planet Penumbra / Analysis

By TarantulaUni
03/30/2021 - 00:25:17

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Help Captain Sunny and Captain Amazing take down a pirate outpost.
Win message:
Congratulations!!! A pirate outpost has been cleared out and a wanted pirate is under arrest. There should be less pirates to deal with for now.
Lose message:
The Pirates proved to be too much to deal with and the invasion was stopped.
ACT 1 :   Outpost Siege
Captain Sunny and Captain Amazing have come up with a plan to shut down this pirate lair. Speak to them for more details.
ACT 2 :   Attack!
Overwhelm the Pirate Outpost and defeat the Pirate Captain!
ACT 3 :   Captain Trukkulint Arrested.
The pirate outpost has fallen and Captain Trukkulint is under arrest. Talk to Captain Sunny for further briefing.
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