Defend the Treasured Chest / Analysis

By TarantulaUni
04/01/2021 - 04:24:51

Type: Defend adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
A militia is tasked with protecting and transporting the legendary Treasured Chest. Can you help them?
Win message:
Congratulations! You successfully protected an artifact and bought enough time for reinforcements! They couldn't have done it without you!
Lose message:
The Seagpi brutally crushed the militia with their military might and seized the Treasured Chest...
ACT 1 :   Incoming Alerts
The radars have picked up something approaching. Speak to the Captain for more details.
ACT 2 :   Seagpi Attack
The Seagpi Army has arrived and has launched a full-scale attack! Do not let them reach the Treasured Chest! The Commander has sent a transmission for reinforcements.
ACT 3 :   Under Pressure
The Seagpi are responding to the defense by sending more troops! Hold them back for as long as you can!!!
ACT 4 :   One Last Push
The Seagpi are clearly getting frustrated and have sent in their most powerful soldiers. Survive the onslaught!!!!
ACT 5 :   Reinforcements Arrive
Reinforcements along with the General have arrived! In response, the Seagpi have also sent their general to the battlefield! Prepare for a massive showdown!!!
ACT 6 :   Seagpi Defeated
The Seagpi invasion has stopped and the Treasured Chest is safe. The General would like to thank you for helping out! He should be just outside of camp.
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