Attack of the Nightmare (New!) / Analysis

By CreationGalaxy
04/30/2021 - 03:02:03

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 1.76 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
After recieving the signal, you travel over to planet EXO4573!
Win message:
After a good feast, you head back home.
ACT 1 :   You've Arrived!
Speak with Antilus (Head Scientist) about why you were brought here?
ACT 2 :   Time to pick up the Grub!
Well, ok. You're first task is to pick up the Scientist's Grub Hub Delivery.
ACT 3 :   Huh?
What's Antilus doing here?
ACT 4 :   Destroy the evil
Attack the Dark Matter until its out of Evolumutate! That will cause it to go back to normal!
ACT 5 :   End of the terror
As a beam of light flashes through the land, you are now left with a slightly evolved Dark Matter, speak with Antilus.
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