forbidden temple / Analysis

By hastefades
06/14/2021 - 13:39:17

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: -1.36 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
welcome to the forbidden temple.... fight your way through the temple and stop the evil from destroying the galaxy.
Win message:
you did it... the bugs leaderless and a great evil stopped to a halt. the galaxy is safe.... for now.
Lose message:
with your defeat and the gates of the temple open... evil is free to roam the galaxy -tip- health pickups respawn fast, use this to your advantage, some enemies are best not fighting.
ACT 1 :   The reaver
This is the ship to captain...over...your first target is kurinnaxx the reaver. It is responsible for the destruction of many lives who enter the kingdom... bring an end to its destruction
ACT 2 :   The zealot
Nicley done captain...The mighty overlord of the Insects...the deadly religious general rajaxx leads the bugs against the innocent. He must be stopped...
ACT 3 :   The colossus
Your next target...The silithid collosus known as buru the gorger is placed as a partner for the silithid birther. The destruction of this beast will deal A major blow to the insect onslaught.
ACT 4 :   The princess
captaZZzzZ......can you hea...ZZzzz......your to deep i...ZZzzZ.....losing your signZZzzZ.....
ACT 5 :   The queen
Signal lost...
ACT 6 :   
Captain! come in!...what ever you did captain I have your signal again... you should exit the fallen kingdom through the gate at the beginning. Come home...leave this forgotten place...
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