the forbidden temple 2 / Analysis

By hastefades
07/05/2021 - 14:54:51

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
welcome to the forbidden temple 2... enter the temple and save the galaxy!
Win message:
the great evil has been defeated and you have escaped...the galaxy is safe.....for now
Lose message:
with your defeat the insectoids will consume the universe, many lives will be lost -Tip- some insects are very strong and you should try sneaking or running past them.your allies may get lost
ACT 1 :   Entering the temple
defeat the temple guardian then enter it by going up the ramp
ACT 2 :   hive menace
push back the bugs between you and the wasp lord then slay him.
ACT 3 :   twin guardians
defeat both silithid colossi
ACT 4 :   insect royalty
put an end to the hive by slaying its birther
ACT 5 :   shifting halls
A loud roar echoed through the insect halls....you should investigate
ACT 6 :   the faithfull and brutal
time to leave the temple defeat the bugs guarding the exit
ACT 7 :   

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