Forbidden temple 2 / Analysis

By TheInsect
10/27/2021 - 12:57:46

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: -3 (Bad)

Basic info
Intro message:
welcome to the forbidden temple 2... enter the temple and save the galaxy!
Win message:
the great evil has been defeated and you have escaped...the galaxy is safe.....for now
Lose message:
with your defeat the insectoids will consume the universe, many lives will be lost -Tip- some insects are very strong and you should try sneaking or running past them.your allies may get lost
ACT 1 :   Entering the temple
"'Captain!...This is the ship to captain come in!...lets not waste time.defeat the temple guardian then enter by going up the ramp and be careful! you dont know what may be in there..."'
ACT 2 :   hive menace
"'Nicely done boss...I did a quick scan of the temple and it looks like you got bugs crawling all around the place...push back the bugs between you and the wasp lord then slay him..."'
ACT 3 :   twin guardians
"'Good!... but the battle is still not yet won... if we know the insectoid race known as the Aqir then we know there is a queen...defeat both silithid colossi guards so we can find that queen!"'
ACT 4 :   insect royalty
"'put an end to the hive by slaying its birther...Be careful boss!"'
ACT 5 :   shifting halls
[A loud roar echoed through the insect halls....you should investigate]
ACT 6 :   the faithfull and brutal
"'time to leave the temple boss... defeat the bugs guarding the exit and come home!"'
ACT 7 :   

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