A Magnetic Menace / Analysis

By ItsVairen
05/10/2022 - 22:01:50

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
As the dust settles around your feet, a quiet chaos lays seige around you. An outpost in its aching pains, and you are its remedy...hopefully, kinda doubt it though.
Win message:
Phew, I was scared for a seco- wait no, I wasn't concerned about this turn of events whatsoever. Nope, always knew that you'd do it Captain, good job. Go get yourself a nice bowl of ice cream.
Lose message:
Yikes...That did not go well didn't it...Alright recently cloned you, we gotta do this all over again now. From the top!
ACT 1 :   Trouble is Brewing
It seems that this outpost has definitely seen better days. Better see the person in charge to find out what the problem is about.
ACT 2 :   Around the Town
So...we're looking for people that don't look like they aren't from around here (Excluding you, no offense) Bilby did mention some Ecologists that are currently stuck here. Maybe ask around.
ACT 3 :   To Salve the Problem
So...we're looking for Brodus plants, classic fetch quest stuff. The ones you specifically remember as the prickly orange balls of death? No? Just me?
ACT 4 :   Talk about Brodusty, eh?
Well now that tedious task out of the way, let's bring them back to Machena.
ACT 5 :   Salving the Day
Well, we got that salve...maybe we can use it to bribe the guards to let us inside the catacombs? I jest, we're law abiding citizens that would never, EVER double cross the law to get our wa-
ACT 6 :   Breaching the Catacombs
Whoever is behind this utter headache of a task is through theses catacombs... hehe, headache. But anyhow, let's just finish this up, I'm an AI and even I'm getting a migrane from all of this.
ACT 7 :   A Totally Epic Lack of Conflict
Well, there goes Mulfus, leaving his device oh so enticingly unattended. Maybe lets take some time to push some of his buttons, why not?
ACT 8 :   All's well that ends well?
Well...That was kinda anticlimatic...oh well, I guess it's time to let Odeo know the deed has been done and we can enjoy the sweet joy of a hard earned Sporebuck.
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