Wouldn't Want To Mist You / Analysis

By ItsVairen
06/29/2022 - 21:52:00

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.19 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
The fog on this planet is overwelmingly dense...yet in the distance you can hear a sad song and that same distressed moping. Yep, this is the place, time to see what's wrong this time.
Win message:
Well we rescued the child but with their fear of the outside world being so crippling...I don't know something feels wrong in my circuits about those folk.
Lose message:
Can't even go through a canyon to get a child, we're gonna need you to get some better captain gear when we get back...okay, bring in the next one!
ACT 1 :   Takes a Village
This would be a quaint little village, if it weren't for all the moping around. Let's see what all the fuss is about.
ACT 2 :   You've Gotta be Kidding Me
So you're telling me that they somehow got a distress signalizer just because they were missing a child...I'm equal parts perplexed, impressed and enraged.
ACT 3 :   That's the Thicket!
Like you understand why I'm cross about this right? They lost their kid and their solution is to get a distress signalizer to get a Space Captain to grab their child for them?
ACT 4 :   Fillet Canyon
Captain, I'm detecting many megafaunal signals some of them might be hostile. I'd exercise caution going through this canyon. Either that or exercise that heavy arsenel you have...
ACT 5 :   A Sooft Landing
Finally there's the child let's just grab them and go...besides my sensors have a bad feeling, something big is coming this way.
ACT 6 :   Chase off or Face off?
Well I know why my sensors have a bad feeling, a Mini-Epic...I thought those were extinct, should we let it be or go in with blasters past "'stun"'?
ACT 7 :   A Runaway Success
Child: secured. Canyon: navigated. Destination: hopefully off this rock, this humidity is killing my circuits.
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