forbidden temple 3 / Analysis

By TheInsect
04/17/2023 - 17:10:54

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
welcome to the forbidden temple part 3...you are exploring the galaxy until you come accross a strange world...you want answers on why the world looks corrupted and intiate a landing party
Win message:
A great evil trinket in your hands that has the ability to corrupt worlds...will you bring order or chaos... only time will tell...
Lose message:
with none to warn the galaxy of the nerubian empire and their plot to corrupt worlds... the future of the galaxy is numbered.... Tip- some enemies are strong...try stealth or running past them
ACT 1 :   ruminations
A great evil scars and corrupts the planet....effecting the very rotations of the itself...though you spot a temple in the distance and should investigate it
ACT 2 :   rock bottom
We need to go deeper into the halls...There's no turning back now
ACT 3 :   arachnophobia
Looks like these creatures have corrupted planet core with their evil...put an end to their elite guard and head through the gates...be careful boss!
ACT 4 :   unholy aura
This place is creepy...And why did it have to be spiders anyway? we shjould keep moving
ACT 5 :   the web weaver
The web weaver should be in these halls somewhere... stop her from tending to the eggs by any means...These spider creatures are coming from somewhere
ACT 6 :   Finding the source
Find the source of evil corrupting the planet...use stealth if need be...
ACT 7 :   
(You hear a screech Deep from within the spider filled halls) Vile witch.... she is challenging you to a duel!... heave past these pests and take her on!
ACT 8 :   
leave this forgotten place captain....i'll pick you up at the landing platform
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