Anomalous Aris / Analysis

By ItsVairen
04/17/2024 - 18:34:26

Type: Puzzle adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
The snow may be blinding and the air cutting with sharp frost but the wind is howling with discovery! Who knows what riches await us. Maybe even a reasonable paycheck if we're lucky.
Win message:
Mission accomplished, though I hope next job will be easier and with a client that doesn't have their head in the stars.
Lose message:
Seems like some secrets were never meant to be learned...Bah who am I kidding, send in the next shmuck!
ACT 1 :   Are You Diggin' It
I hope you brought your winter coat Captain. Now, we're looking for someone named Grimeer. Ask around, maybe someone around here knows where they're at.
ACT 2 :   A New Bliss
There it is, those ancient ruins Grimeer was describing. Its almost spotless except for the snow that's piled up around it. Wait a minute, are we sure we're not being followed?
ACT 3 :   In Your Neck of the Cropolis
We're the first people to set in this ancient tomb for who knows how long, we better tread careful- aaand she's already ran up to the big statue in the center of the room, great.
ACT 4 :   Oh Plenty O' Valley
The door on the other side of the room just opened. I'm surprised that their machinery lasted this long. Regardless, we best be watching out for whatever's inside.
ACT 5 :   Treasure Assured
So this is it, the treasure that they had sealed away...just for...us? Maybe? I'm not sure if they accounted for post empire collapse inheritance. Well, at least it's ours now.
ACT 6 :   H-H-Hurry Up!
Unless you want to be crushed under a million tons of snow I suggest you take your limbs, pseudopods or whatever and get out of here!
ACT 7 :   Cutting It Cold
That was a close one...let's hope the person that hired up isn't too shaken up, I still want our money's worth after we risked being buried under ice with no way out.
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