Biotech factory

By ViolentNightmare
12/03/2009 - 02:43:31

Type: Factory building
Rating: 9 (Good)
Tags: amazing, awesome, bio, cool, despairus, kool, necromancer, nightmare, rate, series, tech, up, violent, violentnightmare, vn


attention...all workers must wear biohazard suits before entering. that loser darrius spilled and turned into a rampaging behemoth intent on killing you all.thankyou. also the grav fields are working so watch your step


By Vultrio

Cool factory, love the floating parts.

By d-rob604

whoa awesome stuff r+++

By Catycat333

Wait... Hazmat suit? Oh crap... Grav fields? Yay! (Jumps) Lolspike... Awesome.

By thiefers

Very cool, and love the description, R+. Thanks for your comment on To Honor - it happened in Washington state, USA, in a town very near to where I live. :(

By Hydro_Glyph

amazingly awesome..


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