Roullian Hall
Not rated

By Mortensenii
01/04/2013 - 03:38:01

Type: City Hall building
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: mortensenii


Roullian halls play host to a cities largest and most prized plant specimen. The larger and healthier the plant, the more prosperous the settlement and the healthier the population.


By onacondafarr

Great to see that you're still creating!!!

By Mushroomking1

Haha yeah, I knoew what you mean. The planning stage's the slowest, for me at least. Can't even think of anything new lately...but I'll see how this one turns out :)

By Mushroomking1

One of the first sets I ever made was based around these giant trees (never shared it), but it was crappy compared to this one's refinement. I wanna see the rest!

By Mushroomking1

Wow this looks awesome :D


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