The Relic
Not rated

By Pinnaporaptor
06/27/2019 - 18:53:32

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)


A team of reaserchers are in desperate need of your assistance, they have found and ancient relic that has more than meets the eye...



By 08erops323

thanks! I'd like to try your adventures but I don't have creepy and cute pack ;C l3 R+ though

By MissGrimReaper

Wtf! Why can't I play your adventure it said that there are no more creations needed for this adventure?

By MissGrimReaper

I would also love it if you treid Golden Dragonfly Legend, it's the same humor, different story, easy points and satisfying. I think you would like it as well. :) Thank you again.

By MissGrimReaper

Hay thank you so very much for playing my adventure When Fish Start Running, I'm going trough some really sad times now and it means the whole world to me that somebody enjoyed something I made. I'll be sure to try out youre adventures as well!


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