T4 Automatic Platform

Por artydax
26/08/2019 - 15:55:21

Tipo: Vehículo militar terrestre
Puntuación: 7.5 (Bueno)


The Automatic variant of the T4 Supremacy is a less commonly seen, anti-infantry tank. It features a different main armament, as well as loading and targeting systems. This tank has been coated with a woodland camouflage.

The A-12 minigun featured on this tank has a variable fire rate, and can reach an impressive 6,000 RPM. Casings for ammunition are ejected through the side of the vehicle, similar to a handheld minigun. Due to the high fire rate, a loading mechanism was devised that allows a crew to externally remove and replace the ammunition stores, keeping this tank on the firing line for as long as possible.

This tank also features a G2 ?Pom-Pom? cannon, which features a higher armour penetration than the main cannon. This addition was seen a necessity due to A-12?s difficulty to get through several superheavy units.

The variant saw most of its use during the Mutavore Schism, where they were able to cut down swarms of heavily armoured beasts ? battles that would?ve taken thousands of lives to win. The variant still sees popularity in secluded solar systems surrounded by horde species and are normally utilised when swarms of creatures threaten plutocratic production facilities.

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