XCU-series nether star
Not rated

By superscrungus
04/07/2020 - 02:02:47

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.16 (Not rated)
Tags: battlecruiser, battleship, capital, cruiser, empire, nethen, nether, netherempire, ship, spaceship, starship, superscrungus, warship


Perhaps the staple starship of the Nether Empire, the XCU-series is the last in the Empire's venerable line of nether stars, battlecruiser-equivalent capital ships that make up the bulk of the empire's military might. Widely considered the face of the Empire to the territories under its control, the XCU nether star is in fact an almost antiquated model of starship, its internal systems differing starkly from its contemporary field units. The XCU-series has simply seen no need for change in the last several decades, due to its consistent effectiveness. Several high-profile Nethen defense contractors, including the XCU's very same designers, have made many attempts to supplant it with new models - all of which failed to match the XCU's performance.

Used in a wide variety of roles, the nether star is often the first thing that the oppressed and the rebellious picture when thinking of the Nethens and their sheer military strength. A powerhouse warship, the XCU boasts a mixed arsenal of permanently affixed weaponry and modular weapon slots. Permanent weaponry consists of ten anti-materiel laser cannons along the canopy and underbelly of the ship - four on top, six on bottom -, as well as 36 defensive maser turrets located around the vessel (but most predominantly along the central seam). Modular weaponry consists of 12 locations around the ship, but superheavy equipment can take up two or, rarely, three slots. This secondary arsenal varies heavily from location to location, and no nether star's weaponry will match the last, as their armament is adapted to suit their current assignment. Almost every equipment type under the Nethen armories is compatible with the XCU's universal accomodation design, and this has only contributed to the nether star's continued production well into its sixtieth year of service. It also boasts four hangar bays, two on the vessel's port and starboard, one affixed to the canopy, and another on its underbelly.

The XCU also houses a complement of roughly 1,200-1,800 Righteous Twilight corps officers/pilots, engineers/maintenance specialists, and marines, their population split into rough thirds. Engineers, maintenance specialists, logistics crew, and associated personnel are most concentrated towards the central core and rear of the ship, while the bridge and its associated officers, pilots, and technicians are directly in the heart of the vessel. Around various posts of the nether star are marines, many of whom will concentrate around the ship's four hangars when on high alert. The XCU also commonly carries several squadrons of starfighters, as well as a large amount of dropships.

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