At the Rooftop VS 4
No puntuado

Por BellaBlim
10/02/2009 - 00:54:23

Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 0.53 (No puntuado)
Tags: bellablim, chapter 4, stella lucchese, vampire series, vampire series sporecast


Chapter 4:
She finally reaches her beloved loft, her door is at the rooftop, unnoticed and undisturbed by the common city dwellers. She lands lightly and quickly approaches her doorstep. It is dark, but nothing looks out of order, it looks as she always left it... So many years has she lived here, she loves this town, and she loves her home, will she be forced to move again? Now she is sure of the presence, she noticed it back at Cardinal; she braces herself and opens the front door...


Página 1

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Por Himmelslaub


Por Himmelslaub

Ein schönes detailreiches Gebäude! Erinnert mich an Paris. Und die Dachterrasse mit einer Person drauf, genialer Einfall!

Por LuiBei1994


Por xkloud413


Por dirk7

Wow! Nice work!! Thnx for comments =) Adding you as buddy!

Por Orion1004

Gorgeous building...now off to read p. 5!

Por markiem32

Really lovely building. And I'm still hooked on the story... R+

Por Stuki


Por mamapook

Bella this is just incredible! I don't know do it! Just wonderful! R

Por FritoPie

Very cool building.

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