No puntuado

Por DreamWarrior
29/03/2009 - 21:17:01

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 0.14 (No puntuado)
Tags: dreamwarrior, i, me, myself, spaceship, this is what i look like


Sometimes I wonder... is the creation of the world a series of random acciedents or was it made for a reason. Have soul-mates always been destined for eachother, does everyone have one? If so, where's mine???????? :( Does everyone have a purpose?


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Por Rdragoon

stop you'll blow up my head!

Por ranxxi

This creation is really cool :) R+ (Check out my creations too)

Por emilyg811

I'm back! This comment came 50 seconds after the cookie one! >:)

Por emilyg811

QUESTIONS! I think I need to nom a cookie...BRB...

Por AlmightyDratch

My Motto: if there is no proof don't jump to conclusions. (But it doesn't hurt to wonder)

Por glumpyzilla

I used to wonder the same thing.

Por XLFries

deep idea

Por XLFries

well i know that every one has an purpose :-P

Por seattleryanno

hmm....... very good stuff 2 consider. I belive my purpose is 2 annoy my sisster ( =-P ) and 2 make people laugh =-D, but yeah kool description...... pretty deep dude pretty deep

Por hoodie00

Great job on the description, I totally think the same stuff as well. My purpose is to make random nonsense come out of my mouth... yep.

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