Baudelair Appartments

By Parkaboy
05/21/2009 - 23:09:57

Type: House building
Rating: 5.62 (Good)
Tags: gamingsteve, gaprop, parkaboy


Common Bauder home.


By frogies

Well... at least SOMEBODY knows about gaprop.

By Ariel76

Diseños simples pero atractivos. Tu siempre construyes y creas objetos muy realistas. Me gustan mucho.

By Parkaboy

@Pintobean: I deleted the sporecast. The creations are still online, and they will be automatically downloaded with the adventure!

By Pintobean

What happend to Red Planet Adventure?!!... That was amazing. Did you delete it because you finished it at adventure camp??? plz remake that sporecast ... some of my favorites of yours were in there!


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