Epic jorney
Not rated

By wiiman00
06/23/2009 - 22:33:38

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.1 (Not rated)


The cheeseburger staff has been stolen you have to get it back.



By HeavyTribe

lol at end. you gave the staff to him and he dosen't give you anything so you kill him lol.

By Linkyloco

Good Job! I had a great laygh at the end, When caotain Wubb was almost dead I used my hypnomelder so he was on my team grabbed his staff and threw it at him!

By wiiman00

Sorry this is one of my first levels and guess what the second one is out now.

By Arwin

Make it more professional next time. Sorry, but deleted. And also it's spely "Journey"

By Arwin


By flyingkitten

this is so fun!


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