Oxygen Mask
No puntuado

Por MaxisCactus
24/09/2009 - 00:27:43

Tipo: Edificio de ayuntamiento
Puntuación: 0.16 (No puntuado)
Tags: gaprop


Bet you can't wait to play this adventure...


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Realistic looking!

Por Quuuuuuuuueerkk

Oy.... I wouldn't wanna be caught up in that!

Por chikochiku

@SketchBob: The adventure is Pleasant Voyages, I think... ^^

Por SketchBob

What's the adventure? I think it's out now. Could you tell me?

Por 94aron1

Gaprop means Galactic Adventure prop -In reply to andrei867-

Por andrei867

What means Gaprop ? Plz tell me here , in comments !

Por ScorpionLC

Very Realistic! R

Por epicdestroyer1

wow good prop!

Por simles

Cool :D

Por titaniccreatures

Please put the face mask over your head to hide your TERRIFIED expresion from other passengers XD

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