Legendary Papyrus
Not rated

By Andeavor
12/27/2009 - 03:01:45

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop


This papyrus tells of the legend of the universe's creation... or the legendary adventures of Sporey the Couragious. o_O


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By sambart2000

Fake! don't you know that's a dinner menu!

By kaichapin1

Freaking EA. The only thing better is the space stage.

By Dragonpenguin

Wow! Sporey the Couragous! :P

By Wormey1

Lots of your stuff would be of immense help to me. As I can't be bothered sifting through all your stuff for the creation that I want, I'll just buddy you and get all of them anyway.

By 95Razor73

the legend of sporey =D cool!

By redsoxfan4life1

I agree with kaleb702.Maybe it's mistranslated and it's really the story of "EA the outragious" instead of "Sporey the Couragious."

By kaleb702

They then thought they could make it better by adding parts called C a C and an expansion pack called GA. But then they were morons again and created a soda promotion parts pack. (continued)

By kaleb702

Once upon a time, There was an idiot named EA who changed the perfect Spore 05 concept (Not game) into an actual game rushed to be out by christmas. D: (Continued)

By KK1999

Who's Sporey?

By Uranus9

Sporey the Couragious? ROFL (^o^;)

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